Bilkisu Abdulsalam
2 min readFeb 8, 2021


Is silence golden or is simply painted in gold?

I hope you’re having a great day? I’m asking this from the bottom of my soul where I’ve sunken into.

I’m a millenial and as such I’m addicted to attention seeking — thanks to social media and the world of apps — that doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

I lost my right to privacy when as a teenager in my semi final year in secondary school, known as high school in the west, I opened a Facebook account, year 2009. Ever since then I have fought tooth and nail to get my voice heard, though the question remains by who?

I’m a millennial so I’m naturally distracted by apps, entertainment and glamour. I’m at a place as an adult where I’m fighting tooth and nail to recover from social media addiction, though I’m not there yet but I’m close. I’ve lived my formative years as a teenager seeking validation online and now I’m seeking recovery.

I’m a millennial who is finally learning the advantages of practicing privacy but is finding it very difficult to steer in that direction.

I’m a millennial that’s sorry for exploiting being one at the detriment of my privacy and peace, so I ask myself, ‘is silence the answer?’ Or do I need to increase the tempo of my voice to get all the attention I believe I deserve, burn out and then rise from the ashes to finally become more than just a millennial??

So tell me, is silence golden or is simply painted in gold? Or do I need to steer the wheel forcefully to find that out?

Thank you for reading. Have a blissful day. Пока пока 👋🏻



Bilkisu Abdulsalam

I live in my head despite being awesome outside of it. AlhamdulIllah!